Shantaram , based on Gregory David Roberts’ novel, is a gripping American-Australian drama series that brings 1980s Bombay to life. Charlie Hunnam excels as the conflicted lead, supported by a strong cast. The series’ attention to detail is commendable, vividly portraying Bombay’s chaos and charm. The storytelling captures the protagonist’s angst and transformation, drawing viewers into a world of crime, love, and redemption. While some critique Hunnam’s accent, the acting, cinematography, and faithfulness to the source material make this a compelling watch for fans of the book and newcomers alike. Review of the Book - Directed by – Bharat Nalluri | Iian B MacDonald | Bronwen Hughes Release Date – December 2022 Streaming Partner – AppleTV+ Season 1 | Episode – 12 #ShantaramSeries #CharlieHunnam #Bombay1980s #GregoryDavidRoberts #DramaThriller #CinematicJourney #Adaptation #BookToScreen #MustWatchSeries #S...