Asur (Streaming on JioCinema) is a stellar psychological crime thriller that fuses mythology with mind-bending suspense. Spanning two seasons, it follows a team of forensic experts, led by Arshad Warsi and Barun Sobti, as they face a serial killer who sees himself as the reincarnation of Kali. The gripping narrative, rooted in Hindu mythology, keeps you hooked with twists, brilliant performances, and taut storytelling. Exceptional screenplay, cinematography, and music elevate the experience. A must-watch for thriller fans, Asur is a masterclass in blending crime and mythology into compelling entertainment.


Directed by – Oni Sen

Release Date –  March 2020

Streaming Partner – Jio Cinema

Season 2 | Episode - 16

#Asur #JioCinema #CrimeThriller #PsychologicalThriller #IndianWebSeries #MythologicalThriller #ArshadWarsi #BarunSobti #MustWatchSeries #StreamingNow #HinduMythology


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