Lucky Baskhar (Streaming on Netflix), directed by Venky Atluri, is a captivating financial thriller exploring money laundering, stock market manipulation, and family drama. Set in the 1989-1992 banking world, it features a feel-good performance by Dulquer Salmaan and a catchy title track. Intriguing references to financial scams, reminiscent of Harshad Mehta’s era, add depth. (Review of the Series - ) While the second half feels slower and the family drama underdeveloped, the twists and thrills keep you hooked. Pre-empting some twists doesn’t dull the joy of their execution. Not a unique story but story blending intrigue and emotional depth! #LuckyBaskhar #NetflixIndia #FinancialThriller #DulquerSalmaan #VenkyAtluri #MoneyLaundering #StockMarketScams #MustWatchMovie #WeekendWatch #CatchySoundtrack #BankingDrama #ThrillsAndTwists Directed by – Venky Atluri Release Date –...