Kohrra on Netflix is a gripping Punjabi crime thriller that stands out in India’s web series space. Directed by Randeep Jha, it follows a murder investigation in Punjab, delving deep into the chaos of rural life and the personal struggles of the investigating officers. The ensemble cast is remarkable, but the two leads anchor the series with nuanced performances. With its gritty realism, deft character development, and powerful portrayal of societal issues, Kohrra offers a haunting, memorable experience that feels as satisfying as finishing a captivating novel.
Directed by – Randeep Jha
Release Date – July 2023
Streaming Partner – Netflix
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#BarunSobtii #barunsobtisays #suvindervicky #PunjabiSeries #myreview #SeriesReview #netflixindia #crimethriller #RandeepJha #FilmfareOTTAwards #Mustwatch #SEASON2COMINGSOON
nice movie