The Night Agent: A Riveting Espionage Thriller The Night Agent is a gripping Netflix action thriller based on Matthew Quirk’s novel. Gabriel Basso shines as a low-level FBI agent caught in a high-stakes conspiracy involving a mole in the U.S. government. The series offers non-stop suspense, tightly woven twists, and well-choreographed action. With its brisk pacing and stellar performances, the show keeps viewers hooked. Top-notch production, stunning visuals, and a faithful adaptation of the novel make it a standout for fans of espionage dramas. A must-watch for action-thriller enthusiasts! #TheNightAgent #NetflixSeries #EspionageThriller #ActionPacked #GabrielBasso #SuspensefulDrama #MatthewQuirk #MustWatch #BingeWorthy #SpySeries Created By - Shawn Ryan Release Date - March 2023 Streaming Partner - Netflix Season 1 | Episode 10