Tigmanshu Dhulia’s Haasil is a gripping drama set in small-town India, exploring love, ambition, and political corruption. Irrfan Khan’s chilling portrayal of the ruthless Ranvijay Singh and Jimmy Shergill’s earnest performance as Anirudh make for a powerful duo. The authentic portrayal of rural life, coupled with a suspenseful narrative and stunning cinematography, elevates the film to a thought-provoking social commentary. Bold and impactful, Haasil is a must-watch for lovers of intense drama and nuanced storytelling.

#Haasil #IrrfanKhan #IndianCinema #SmallTownDrama #TigmanshuDhulia #PoliticalThriller

Directed By – Tigmanshu Dhulia

Release Date –  May 2003

Streaming Partner – Prime Video


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