
NH10: A Gritty and Unflinching Thriller

NH10 (2015), directed by Navdeep Singh, stars Anushka Sharma in a gripping portrayal of resilience amidst societal darkness. This taut thriller delves into the harsh realities of rural India’s patriarchal norms, weaving a suspenseful narrative that keeps you on edge. Anushka’s nuanced performance as Meera is the film’s heartbeat, while Arvind Kannabiran’s evocative cinematography and Jabeen Merchant’s sharp editing amplify its impact. With its bold themes and technical brilliance, NH10 is a thought-provoking and must-watch thriller.

#NH10 #AnushkaSharma #IndianThriller #PatriarchalSociety #NavdeepSingh #RuralIndia #GrippingCinema #CinematicExcellence

Directed By - Navdeep Singh

Release Date –  March 2012 

Streaming Partner – Netflix


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