Behind Her Eyes: A Twisted Tale of Secrets and Supernatural Intrigue
Behind Her Eyes, streaming on Netflix, is a British psychological thriller adapted from Sarah Pinborough’s novel. The story follows Louise (Simona Brown), who becomes trapped in a love triangle with her boss David (Tom Bateman) and his enigmatic wife Adele (Eve Hewson). What begins as a noir drama unravels into a dark exploration of infidelity, identity, and supernatural intrigue. Stellar performances, eerie dreamscapes, and shocking twists make this a binge-worthy watch. While its supernatural elements divide opinion, the ending leaves an unforgettable impression.
#BehindHerEyes #NetflixSeries #PsychologicalThriller #BritishDrama #SupernaturalTwist #SarahPinborough #NoirThriller #MustWatch #MindBending
Directed By - Erik Richter Strand
Release Date - February 2021
Streaming Partner - Netflix
Season 1 | Episode 6
Review has added it to my watchlist. Thank u