Piku is a heartwarming slice-of-life drama streaming on SonyLIV. Directed by Shoojit Sircar, it’s a perfect mix of humor and emotions. Amitabh Bachchan as the quirky Bhaskor Banerjee and Deepika Padukone as the dutiful yet independent Piku share a beautifully layered father-daughter relationship. Irrfan Khan adds charm with his understated wit. The film sensitively explores themes of family, aging, and emotional connections. With brilliant performances, soulful music, and authentic storytelling, Piku strikes a chord. A must-watch that makes you laugh, cry, and cherish life’s little moments.

#Piku #FamilyDrama #AmitabhBachchan #DeepikaPadukone #IrrfanKhan #ShoojitSircar #SonyLIV #SliceOfLife #IndianCinema #mustwatch

Directed By – Shoojit Sarcar

Release Date –  May 2015

Streaming Partner – Sony Liv


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