
The Breakthrough (2025) is a riveting Swedish crime drama directed by Lisa Siwe. Based on the true story from Anna Bodin and Peter Sjölund’s novel, this Netflix series explores a horrific double murder solved after 16 years using genealogical forensics. A slow burner, it delves deep into the emotional weight of the case, with a solid story that builds to a gripping finish. Its short format makes it binge-worthy, though the pace may test some viewers’ patience. A courageous, thought-provoking watch for true-crime enthusiasts.

#TheBreakthrough #TrueCrimeDrama #GenealogicalForensics #SwedishSeries #NetflixBinge #LisaSiwe #SlowBurner #CrimeThriller #BasedOnTrueStory


Directed By – Lisa Siwe

Release Date –  January 2025

Streaming Partner – Netflix



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